Our Vision

Long Term Evolution (LTE), of creating resources for life to support a self-sustaining, independent church ministry and community outreach programs.

What Does That Look Like?

(A Message from Pastor E. E. Blueford, Jr.)

We must extend beyond our four walls and establish our footprint in the Market Place. We pledge to invest into the lives of our people and future generation, who can be our greatest assets if we follow the model found in Proverbs 22:6. A failure to do so most often than not results in them becoming our greatest liabilities.

Let’s not educate our children to build worldly dreams, however let us train them to be kingdom builders in the House of Worship and in the Market Place. We are saved 365 days of every year, why do we only seek to be amongst believers on average two days a week? Living for God is a Lifestyle and we are all serving Life Sentences!

Ministry via Theater Year Round
  1. Christmas/Birth of Christ
  2. Resurrection
  3. Rapture
  4. Interchangeable (peer pressure, depression, suicide, how do I accept Christ etc.,)
Each Production will Run Quarterly
  • Promote or acquire a Youth Pastor to help expand our Children’s Ministry
  • FT Network Administrator
  • Administration—Expansion
  • Media Ministry—Expansion: Web Administrators, Public Relations, In house Media Productions, Social Media (Establish Web presence/App, FB Live, YouTube, etc.)
  • Business Enterprise
  • Agriculture
  • Food Pantry and storage facility
  • Bank (we will not ever have to borrow from the bank, we will be the bank)
  • End Time Ready—(currency/trade/exchange programs). We will not be phased out by worldly standards and selections.